Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Grand Finale

The Perfect Hall
                Again, I’m veering off from the real topic of this blog, but I’m going to describe the perfect residence hall. This is all to my opinion, and take it as you will. You see, every blog I posted about a residence hall had at least one bad thing about it, meaning it is imperfect in my eyes. I doubt that my ideas for this hall are at all feasible, but it’s a good foundation to at least build on.
                You see, I’ve always been a fan of content, instead of detail. I mean, both are nice, but what’s the point of having any detail if there is no content to detail? I don’t think there is any, but then tons of people would be out of jobs.
                Now, to hilite what each halls did great:
1.       Sny-Phi – Excellent job at the interior and exterior of this hall. I love it in there. The “gothic manor” type of building has always been cool to me, and I like that about this hall. Location is also pretty central to campus, making it a breeze to navigate to the other locations on campus.
2.       Brody – Your cafeteria is amazing. It’s by far the biggest on campus, and arguably the best. There’s so many different options, that can appeal to every type of person on campus. It covers most diversities of common people, and that just furthers it’s goodness.
3.       Akers – I hate you, but I love some of the features it has. For some reason, the East events are done in Akers. The Halloween festival made Akers amazing. They literally redid the entire hall for ONE NIGHT, and made it spectacular. There were fog machines that bugged me (I’ve had asthma all my life), but it was done in moderation. The food was all cleverly themed, brains, guts.. etc. It was just the proudest I’ve been of Akers. I’ve also seen at least two blood drives take place here. It was also a voting location  last November. (This is off topic.. But did you know that the Cata busses give free bus rides on election days to registered voters? While it could be argued that this is politically motivated, as most youth generally votes a particular way… but it’s at least something that makes students have ambition to get voted, which is a great trend to start.
4.       Wilson – The movie night is fantastic. Free to residents, two dollars to non-residents. It’s just brilliant. It is fun, it is easy to get everyone involved, and it’s easily organized and maintained. I’d rate any hall that encourages this type of involvement regularly high on a chart.
5.       Hubbard – The Sparty’s inside this café is just amazing. The grill inside can make French fries, burgers, mozzarella sticks, and more that I can’t even remember right now… And you get one set of those a day (except on weekends… gr.) with your normal meal plan. If nothing else, it’s a great snack on the go, or a quick thing between classes. This Sparty’s is literally a masterpiece.
6.       McDonel – You cater to the type of people that live there. Which, is commendable. It doesn’t work for everyone, but not everyone is atypical of that hall. Making people not from this country feel like home is great, and I’m proud to consider myself a student of an institution that partakes in that activity. I’m still pretty irked that this café is closing, but there’s really nothing I can do about it… right?
7.        Case – I never got the opportunity to really do an in depth review of this hall, but from what I can gather when I visit friends there, the driving force behind this hall is the community. It’s an extremely friendly place, despite that most of the students there are political science.. Maybe they’re just friendly to each other, but it has the type of community that should be strongly encouraged…. I also don’t think that the designers or institution had anything to do with this bond, other than facilitating it, but it’s great.
8.       Holmes – I would have died this year without  your café being open at most wake hours of the day. Seriously, it’s winter now… And I don’t have the motivation to thaw out my bike lock, and ride over to Sny-Phi and get the best food I can. You’re open until midnight, and I love that… Also open on weekends. Thank you!
9.       Hubbard – Your colors still intrigue me, lol.
That’s my final blog post…. Thank you to everyone who read them, and hopefully you find them easy to comment on... Keep in mind, I try and make my point of view very pronounced, with the hope of giving you something to disagree with, to help you get up to the desired page length… You will not offend me, EVER, by disagreeing with me… It’s actually encouraged.
Peace out!

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